Light Years MP3 Download

Light Years by The National MP3 Info

Download The National - Light Years MP3 song file at 320kbps audio quality. Light Years music file uploaded on May 17th, 2019.

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Angry LLama - Disappointed

The National are one of my favorite bands of all time. One of the main reasons is the unique, haunting, deep vocals of Matt Berninger. So I was quite disappointed to find out he was barely singing lead on this album. Look the arrangements, lyrics, melodies are all vintage National and the female vocalists are very talented....but if I wanted to listen to them I would’ve bought their albums. I appreciate bands trying something new - maybe on one or two tracks - but this was a bit much. Hopefully the next album will get back to why I (and I’d assume most National fans) listen to them. I’ll definitely be sampling first before I buy it. My favorite track is “Light Years” I bet you could figure out why.

Tony-Perk - Yikes

So excited became so dissapointed. Terrible

NilesTheWhiteTailedDeerQueer - Now that all singles are out and the movie is out...

I didn’t really get You Had Your Soul With You, until I let it play on repeat all day and I heard just how many layers there were to it. My favorite part is the strings section, hands down. As soon as Light Years came out, I was blown away by the gorgeous piano ballet that was playing in my ears. And when Hairpin Turns came out, I was a huuuge fan of the piano. I think this album is one of the best ever. There were many twists and turns that shocked me and I just love it so much. Quiet Light is my favorite.

steverus07 - This is not The National. This was always The National.

I have never loved an album by The National on first listen other than High Violet. These guys put together dynamic albums and it’s hard not to think “but I liked ‘Mr. November,’ what is this crap ‘Fake Empire’ or ‘Start a War?’” The one constant was hauntingly delivered lyrics by Matt. So naturally, he takes a back seat on most of this album to some very talented female vocalists. But what remains constant on this album are the deeply layered compositions, contemplative lyrics, and the same dynamism that makes them interesting to listen to more than a decade after I listened to Boxer and thought “What’s the big deal about these guys?” If you like one flavor of The National, you might not like this album. It isn’t my favorite (yet anyway). But it is a band of accomplished individuals composing thoughtful music that examines the times we live in, just like always. I’d like a little more Matt in all his deep, gravely delivery. But the melodies and rhythms here are mature and complex, often more so than in some of my favorite songs by them. I didn’t love the singles, but on my second (and a halfth?) listen through, I am prepared to love this album. It’s worth the time. And worth the money to go out and buy.

sowhatyouwilllive - Just stop

How many times can these ageing hipsters make the same album?

Jallengreen - Quite a jump, but did not stick the landing

The National is my favorite group of artists. I have been following them for years, and can recite most of their lyrics. I’ve always attributed their style to a ‘growing’ style, one that takes hold of the listener, but slowly. Part of the reason for that, I believe, is their unique sound. And in not forgetting the musical skill of the Dessner brothers, the main driver of that unique sound is Matt’s vocals. That is where this album deviates from the formula. The female vocals, for the majority of the album, distract from Matt’s voice in so many songs, and not in a pleasing way. Aside from Where is Her Head, I haven’t been able to get past it. Roman Holiday, Oblivions, I Am Easy to Find, and Light Years all, in my opinion, would be phenomenal tracks with either no female vocals, or just better female vocals. Most of the vocals just didn’t fit with Matt’s style. That being said, its a very well produced album. I just don’t think of it as a National album. It’s a collaborative album. I’ll be looking forward to their next album, which hopefully retains that old formula I love.

The Film? - How about the film?!?

Where can we purchase a download of the film???

Moondog Rocks - Gets better and better

I'm loving this album. Like most National albums, it takes me a few listens to warm up to it. Then, when it's familiar to my ear, I can't get enough. I find myself going back to it over and over. I love it and know that it will be in my playlist for a long time.

Calvin|Hobbes - It’s just not a good as their previous releases

The National is one of my favorite bands. I can never get enough. With that said this album is just meh and doesn’t make me want to go back for more.

skinnybonedog - Meh....not happy.

I am relatively a new The National fan. This is not usually even my usual musical style I would listen to but for some reason Matt's voice hooked m a few years ago. So to have so many of these songs sung by an unknown female is just a disappointment. It is not that I hate these new songs. I just am really bothered with the female vocalist used so extensively. A guest spot on A single song would have been fine but something like So Far So Fast sung by just Matt would have been awesome. Not sure why they went this direction but it does not make me happy at all.

tokyorun - Not their best

Favorite band, with a not-so-great album. Why is Matt’s voice buried under all these back-up singers?? Makes no sense. Credit to them for trying something a bit different. But I’m not digging it. It’s a fair few steps behind Trouble Will Find Me, High Violet, or Boxer, which are all stellar 10/10 efforts in my view.

chloeg - Ignore the luddites

So many people who leave negative reviews want their favorite bands to keep releasing the same ol' same old. I liked the National in the beginning and I still like the National today. They evolve. They change. This album is a perfect example of why this band is so good. It's built on top of the roots of who they are and have always been. Stop comparing what they ARE to what they WERE. This is a good album. I like it more each time I listen to it. And I'll take that any day versus the same ol' same ol.

JBBinCA - Great!

Another side of The National. Quieter, more sensitive and introspective, but still very much them. A nice change... Matt in touch with his feminine. Better than ever.

EdOrL - two good songs only

Star accounts for two good songs the rest is subpar and forced. Disappointed maybe this is their R.E.M moment when they will never be a good band again. So bummed.

Steph S. - Exceptional!

The duets add a nice harmony.

gman1156 - Better with time

I was first drawn to The National after hearing "Bloodbuzz Ohio" on the radio. That was soon followed by "Don't Swallow the Cap". I was hooked at that point and couldn't get enough of those deep baritone vocals and unmistakable drum beats. So like many other reviewers you can imagine my initial disappointment when I first listened to this album. HOWEVER, I have found that a few of my now favorite albums have also disappointed me at first listen. While I have to admit "I am Easy to Find" will probably never be my favorite album by the band I still like it for what it is, and enjoy listening to it. It has the familiarity in songs like "Rylan" and "Lightyears" but I also find myself drawn to the quirky "Where is Her Head". Perhaps like the wine that Matt notoriously consumes in concert it will get better with age.

BleedInYourOwnLight - Bands change

People need to understand that bands do not serve the market. If they’re great artists, they follow their own impulses, ideas, and forms—while still having their unique voice/style. This album sounds different but still beautiful National work. I’ll take this over them remaking their old stuff time and time again.

azikcedwßwshswdewwsbgizu - Gsswsrzawfrbecsgfxveswubitrd

adds Wayne Detroit esSeaeude zzzz

dhoneywell - I Am Easy To Forget

Favorite Bands Who's Last Effort Was A Huge Let Down: Depeche Mode (went political) Radiohead (B sides collection?) Arctic Monkeys (dreadful) Morrissey (terrible song writing) James (political) Ian Brown (meh...) And now the band that never let's you down: The National (a meandering duets album)

dreamingrly20 - Come on!

Stop changing your music! Go back to your roots! No longer a fan, which is absolutely ridiculous. Only decent one on the album is “Rylan”, but get rid of that chick singing, Holy Crap! Following the same route as Mumford and Sons, everything as just gotten worse. Go back to making tracks like “England”, “Bloodbuzz Ohio”, “About Today”, “Hard to Find”, songs that actually had SOUL and FEELING!! Songs that your “new fans” wouldn’t have a clue about! These last two albums do not move me in any way which is so depressing. You really have lost your true fan base and will continue to lose us until you go back to your roots.

SurpriseValley - I Love This

This album is insanely good. This band drips in talent. With one of the mose insane rhythm sections out there, classical chops, and crazy instrumental talent, what's been lost on The National through the years remains percisely what I Am Easy To Find distinctly calls forth; collaboration, diversity in voice, and the ability to express a deeper range than what previous albums have allowed. While Sleep Well Beast felt more reckless, and I Am Easy To Find brings forth a different motif. It's bright, it's fresh, it's complicated, and it works. From start to finish the sequencing of this album builds, bringing the listener through climatic tension that leaves enough space to process the liminal space this album speaks to. It takes the listener through the journey of what's no longer and not yet. And maybe that's what this album is actually about for this band-- a departure from where they've been with the bands voice expressed, almost solely, through the singularity of one point of view/voice-- into where they have yet to go. As far as structure goes, its flawless and daring. We should celebrate artists that take risks, push the enevelope and exceed their well worn grooves. And, like anything this band creates, understanding and emotional connection to what they created grows with each listen. This album will be talked about for years to come. No doubt.

bobcatbird - Bobcatbird

No one stays the same. We all change. This new album is no less than that. And what a positive evolution with new perfectly matched vocal sound on top of the traditional alternative rhythm of the old. Congrats The National on the surprising and positive sounds and lyrics and your growth. You want old then listen to the past and excellent music you have shared with us. This new will undoubtedly appeal to more and those who look forward to the gifts you possess to further see the new ground you explore. Good job!

Mr Mushrum - A double album


jacobrice77 - C’mon people

Laughing HARD at the one star reviews.

Five Minute Music Reviews - The National's Emotional Masterpiece

This is a phenomenal album but it may not be the best entry point for newcomers to the band's music; that would probably be Trouble Will Find Me or Boxer. However, for long-time fans and for fans of experimental indie rock with progressive leanings, this is a masterpiece in emotional music textures.

AngryburdLarry - Wow

Absolutely phenomenal. A true leap of faith and a step in the direction they needed to go, I’m blown.

Samalanigids - The National rewards fans by pushing boundaries

The reviews here tell you more about the fans than the band. The critical, “this isn’t the National,” “what’s with the duets,” reviews weren’t written by true fans. If you truly love an artist part of that relationship has to be following where they lead — cause it’s their craft. I’ve followed these guys for 14 years and feel privileged to be along for the ride wherever their muses take them. ❤️

kjearly - Oof. A concept album?

Love the band, but this album is ear trash. Will delete and pretend it never happened.

Jumpsuit Endorphines - Interesting???

It is certainly a departure from anytyhing they have done in the past. Not quite sure I understand the need have so many female duets or females "taking over" on songs written and performed musically by this band; doesn't make sense to me. I get trying to mix up their sound and do something different, but aside from a few songs that seem like they were left off their last album, "Sleep Well Beast", and maybe one or two that sound like they could've been on "Trouble Will Find Me" or "High Violet", this entire album is a HUGE departure from anything they have ever done. So for you diehard National fans, this album isn't for you--maybe one or two songs like "Rylan" and "Light Years", but the rest you'll wonder, "Huh?" I mean, just play the song, "Dust Swirls in Strange Light"--if you closed your eyes or someone played the song for you randomly, you would never in a million years, guess it was this band. Not sure why they did a "180" with this album, what was/is the point? Great musicians who almost drown out their own music with too many drum beat machines, synthesizers and duets/soloists. It is unfortunate because I had such high hopes for this new album, especially after their last one; luckily I didn't have to buy it since I'm an Apple Radio paid subscriber so I can download it and stream it any time.

kernal Jay - Not sure

To far away from what I like hearing from these guys...

Felonious Max - It’s So Easy To Cry.

My mother passed 5-6-19 I was a mess for days. Saw the short film, cried catharticly and took note. This has quickly become the soundtrack of my life. I love this more than Rumours, and that was ma’s favorite album. More than This Mortal Coil, and they’ve been personal favorites for decades. You guys rippec the band aid off, and got me to keep on living. Thank you!

Darren-808 - Favorite National Album

Favorite National record! Great vocals throughout...Love the sublety and intricacy of their sound which I feel is even more apparent on this album than their earlier music. Great soundtrack for an amazing short film.

ST from Devon - Devon

I have always been connected to The National music. More often than not, it has taken me a few listens to fully appreciate the nature and subtleties of their music. This album is no different. In fact, I was disappointed, and somewhat bored, by the initial few listens. At about listen number five, it clicked, as most of their music often does, and now I'm in love with this album. There are a couple of misses but overall a treamendous effort and very good listen, especially with high-end earphones where the complexity of the arrangements really shows. Thanks for this fine effort so soon after another stellar album. Warning, however, you have to put in some time to fully appreciate the brilliance; it is very worth the wait.

t0rt4r3d - Yeah. This album isn’t very good...

Not the best The National album by a long shot.

chickenflea - Missing the Point

Before you criticize the music, watch the short movie with the same name (I Am Easy To Find) by Mike Mills. The music supports that effort or was inspired by the same general idea of it...a woman's life. This album is more like a concept piece around that story. I think it is quite well done.

Whenry8 - Songs hijacked by guest singers

Been a fan of the national since 2007 and look forward to each album. Unfortunately this album misses the mark in my opinion, again. The female voices on these tracks detracts from Matt's awesome vocals. Apparently Im in the minority by giving this album 2 stars, but the national's last 2 albums have been disappointing. "trouble will find me" (2013) was the last album worthy of the national brand. Hopefully the national's next album will rocoup the essence of the band found in earlier records. "Rylan" is a good track though

Izzy♥☺ - Thank You Uber

How have I not heard of The National before?? Nonetheless, I have my Uber driver to thank for introducing me to this incredible band because he was listening to this album and I just remember falling in love with “Not In Kansas” and so I had to search who sang that song immediately... which lead me here!

-{VIII}- - Trying something new...

After about 4 months with this album, I have to admit at first I was very disappointed, but the songs eventually grew on me. It sill feels a little over produced, and I was use to the version of Rylan played live about 6-7 years ago. And I still think it's the best version. The new female vocals on this album feel unnecessary, but I can see that the band are trying something new and want to evolve. I'll try to evolve too, because The National are still my favorite band. Light Years is probably the best song on their album and sounds like classical National. It's worth the purchase just for that!

10thSymph - Sounds Okay but Underwhelming

This is a soft effort by a band that has been around for almost 2 decades. In my mind they have truly progressed into a full fledged adult alternative rock group. However, on this latest album, the band has somewhat gone further down the experimental route. I would not mind the total duration if more of the songs were accessible to repeated listens. Yet, one track after another, my ears are still waiting for the album to kick in; it never really does. Overall, it is a well crafted effort that sides with softer melodies that lack challenging its audience. 2/5.

Racing Like a Pro - Love it!

Another great album!! I cannot thank you enough for the joy you bring to my life!

Mafu117 - New and amazing

It’s not alligator but ‘I am easy to find’ is an experiment gone amazingly right. The introduction of female voices changes the original tone of the national. Definitely in my top 4 national albums. P.s. there is a movie that accompanies this album it definitely gives meaning to weird songs like ‘dust swirls in strange light’ and ‘her father in the pool’

Cram40 - I’m confused with who the lead singer is?

I have been a fan of The National for quit a few years. The music is excellent all the time. So much feeling and emotion is in every song. I’m not against having some female back up vocals from time to time. I am a little disappointed that so many female vocalist were singing on many tracks. Matt is an incredible singer, and we all were looking forward to hearing mainly him. If you wanted to make the album with 10 songs instead of 16, and Matt sang lead on all 10 songs, that would have been better. I cannot criticize the female vocalist, they are very talented. I just don’t think it goes with the regular sounding songs that the National always would have released........


If their goal was to create monotonous, pretentious, self-indulgence, then The National have hit it out of the park with this album. The tragic result of a brilliant, breakthrough band now high on their own supply. The trouble isn’t the extensive inclusion of guest artists or even the relative “disappearance of Matt” as some’s the complete absence of decent melodies and the band’s usually irresistible “hooks” (both lyrical and musical). The result is a rambling, repetitive blend of emo electronica and muted rock where being trendily experimental seems to have guided their entire creative process. So ironically, The National that we have grown to know and love are no longer Easy To Find at all.

Nobody - How The Mighty Have Fallen

They've basically dismantled everything that was likable about the band. Backup female harmonies are fine, but having guest singers taking over entire verses and passages instead of you know, the singer in the band?! And all the songs just kinda sputter about until they end. Nothing wrong with not being epic and bombastic, but all of these songs sound like a underwhelming drag to the end. There are no hooks. Matt's vocal melodies have always been lazy and that was part of the band's sound. But here, the band sounds as lazy as his melodies, and as a result, every song feels like a cringey slow motion car crash. Sad.

Ryakkan - Such a beautiful album

It's different than their other albums, but I've listened to it 6 times now and I love it. Favorite songs are, I Am Easy to Find, Rylan and Light Years.

SmithZone - Two stars...

Is doing them a favor... what happened? Sleep well beast was great... this is not good.

pencil666 - Fantastic!

Maybe they should have changed the lyrics to all the songs on Boxer and just released it as "new" C'mon people...seriously, one star reviews...meaning this is the worst music you have ever heard??? Great artists need to grow and this shows growth...and it is beautiful. I am glad the band doesn't get swayed by all the brain dead idiosts out there.

Richie958 - Best Album since Boxer!

This album is terrific all the way through, and particularly as a whole. This was the exact place to go for The National. It is fantastic! Every album is a new creation. This album is true to form, and pure creativity. The National won a Grammy for Best Alternative Album for their 2017 album Sleep Well Beast. In 2018, they toured and revisited Boxer for its tenth anniversary, for fans. Now, with a blend of all the great audio qualities of their last albums, and their classic album Boxer, they’ve now opened new realms with I Am Easy to Find. The National is one of the best bands out there.

Tassio04 - Meh

They've officially sunk into MOR rock now. This could have gone many directions... not the least of which could have been further exploring the direction of "Sleep Well Beast", which started painting different shades of greys and blues that the band hasn't explored. On the first few listens, I have to say this is the first time I've been utterly unenthused by a National record. And I love them. I've seen them live several times, own everything they have on vinyl, and consider Boxer to be a top 5 desert island record. I'll give it a few more spins, but they will be forced listens... nothing is drawing me back to this record. Hard pill to swallow after the Vampire Weekend disappointment. If Craig Finn can still sound fresh after all the years since he's been doing it (with Hold Steady and Lifter Puller), I expect the same from the National.

Cal _12 - Still The National

Don’t let the negative reviews distract you if you are a fan of this band’s work. Yes, it is not the traditional National sound, but a great effort and much wonderful music here to explore.

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About Light Years [The National] MP3

You can find here mp3 music file from artist The National, album I Am Easy to Find, song Light Years, released date 17 May 2019. Listening and fast downloading online to Light Years - The National mp3 preview is free and does not require registration.

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